Query Letter Samples

Query Letter Sample One

Kind Attention: - HarperCollins Publishers India Ltd. 
Subject: - Query Letter for a book proposal
Title: - Himani Vashishta’s- Treatise on Astral Projection, OBE & Lucid Dreaming
Sub Title :- (Beginners Edition)
Genre: - Non- Fiction (Occult)
No of pages/word count: - 120/45,000 (approx)

The hook: - Astral Projection or Out-of-body experience is a process through which our consciousness leaves our physical body and is free to travel anywhere, unrestricted by our normal physical boundaries.
A lucid dream means dreaming while knowing that we are dreaming. If in any dream a person is aware that he is dreaming then such kind of dream is a Lucid Dream. In a lucid dream, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over his participation within the dream or able to manipulate his imaginary experiences in the dream environment.
We all unconsciously travel outside our bodies every night when we are asleep. But with the right guidance and practice, we can train ourselves to achieve this with 100% consciousness and awareness.
When we are born on this physical plane, we all come with a specific purpose. That purpose may be different for different people. But as we grow older, we forget why we are here. So we wander aimlessly and often end up wasting our lives.
Astral Projection is one way to help us know why we are here in the first place. So I sincerely feel we all should learn this amazing art and give a positive direction to our lives.
This handbook is the result of my five years of extreme research, study and personal practice of the Astral Projection phenomenon.
As a beginner all of the obstacles and problems that I had faced I have tried to protect future practitioners from them in this book.
This handbook is with a completely pragmatic approach, not prescribed for light reading as it contains no speculations or stories, and rather contains only dry, hard facts. 
It will appeal to mainstream passionate occult readers, mystics, supernatural power seeker enthusiasts, those who want to meditate, spiritualists, as well as those who seek some novelty, motivation and adventure.

Main ContentsGeneral Background and Introduction, Benefits of Astral Projection, Preparing Yourself for Astral Projection, Astral Projection Techniques, Astral Planes & Astral World, Pre-Projection Phenomena, Post Projection Basics, Related Concepts, Lucid Dreaming, Common Mistakes and Problems, Frequently asked questions

I would love to get the chance to send you a few chapters, or the entire manuscript, 
and synopsis of my book at your request. Please feel free to 
contact me.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Author’s profile:-              
    • Author- Princess Of Falcons (A Journey For Love & Redemption)
    • Co- Author- Anand
    • Author- Garden Of Love (A Bouquet Of Poetry)
    • Author- Let Him Play The Music Again
    • My Poetry selected through a prestigious national level competition and published in book ‘Blossom of India’.
    • My Hindi love stories collection book ‘Char Gulab’ is under publication.
    • Songs and poetry published on various web-sites and my blog.
    •  Having keen interest in every form of art, won prize at international level in Child art.
    • Qualification- MBA, LLB

WebSite- http://hvashishta.blogspot.in/

Contact:-Himani Vashishta ----himani.vashishta6@gmail.com
Ph. no- 

Acknowledgement: -   I am grateful for the time taken to read this piece, in spite of your busy schedule.
Note: - I have attached 2 drafts which would give the flow of the book and the writing style involved.

( Himani Vashishta )

Query Letter Sample Two

Kind Attention: - Rupa Publication
Subject: - Query Letter for a book proposal
Title: - Princess of Falcons
Genre: - Fantasy
No of pages/word count: - 195/106,843 (approx)

The hook : - Silviya, a young girl living in our present day society in India, finds herself unexpectedly confronted with difficult questions about herself due to her horrible dreams. She was born amid of bloodshed and violence in an obscure tribe of North America. Her grandmother Trisha who was an Indian took her to India for safety and solace and shattered all relationship with past. Silviya knew nothing about her origin but past cast it shadows, same happened with Silviya.
The balance between Silviya’s study and family becomes disrupted as she traveled North America and found some hue of her origin. Her relation with her grandmother reaches dangerous levels; soon, their lives shattered once again.
Forced to pick up the pieces and deal with her past, Silviya embark on a journey with her friends to find truth and her identity. The path to the answers they seek-and have sought for all their lives-is one that takes them entered into dangerous water.
Silviya transported into an obscure region Bangolarrea where she was born. The Falcon tribe in which Silviya was born was threatened by Naga tribe. She will be there to witness and participate in the final battle and kill Python!
As the time go by, Silviya finds herself slowly falling in love with her college friend Manav, but is it even possible for a girl from the obscure tribe, having supernatural powers and a boy of modern day age to have a happy ending together?
The presence of a young warrior Ralf in her tribe and the future forecasts prompts her to rethink whether it is better to forget or to rehabilitate in India with Manav or whether to live in the past or destroy it once and for all.
Princess of Falcons has allowed me to explore not only the heightened supernatural powers gained through animals and birds, but given me the opportunity to encounter unique worlds and shape a story that encompasses those unusual settings and multicultural theme.
The story includes three love stories, romance, tension, suspense, depiction of now a day’s hostel and college life, contains several humorous scenes, tribal life, a fierce battle, touch of supernatural elements coupled with inspirational dialogues and seven original poems related to situation.
It will appeal to mainstream fantasy readers, supernatural power seeker enthusiasts, passionate romantics, as well as those who enjoy a good story, a
good laugh, a few tears, and a happy ending. Although ‘Princess of Falcons’ stands alone as a novel, I have outlines for two potential sequels.

The characters in my book are destined to stray down a different path other than the one society suggests as the “real world”. Each chapter leads the reader into a world altered slightly from the one they know. For me, this is what good fiction is about, an opportunity to escape from the daily grind and wander down someone else’s path an unknown path.

Key Words- Eagle-pendent, Sorceress, Panahasi ,Trinity, Bangolarrea, Firdos, Death Valley, Camarin, Sword of Doom, Falcons’, Nagas’, Snake’s Curse, Deadly Alliance, Battle, Werewolf, Black River.

Unique Factor- The names of persons and places I have chosen are according to their character and situation. The names meanings, I have attached in appendix.

I would love the chance to send you a few chapters, or the entire manuscript,
and synopsis of ‘Princess of Falcons’ at your request. Please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Author’s profile:-
    • My Poetry selected through a prestigious national level competition and published in book ‘Blossom of India’.
    • Presently got an assignment to write a health related story magazine by the company M.B. Pharmaceutical.
    • Songs and poetry published on various web-sites and my blog.
    •  Having keen interest in every form of art, won prize at international level in Child art.
    • Qualification- MBA
    • LLB Pursuing
Contact:-Himani Vashishta ----himani.vaidya@yahoo.com
Ph No-

Acknowledgement: -   I am grateful for the time taken to read this piece, in spite of your busy schedule.
Note: - I have attached 3 drafts which would give the flow of the story and the writing style involved.

( Himani Vashishta ) 

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